Hoof Patrol

There is an old saying among horsemen, “No foot, no horse.” Despite their size and strength, horses are pretty fragile animals. Think about it: Four slim legs and four undersized hooves—smaller, in most cases, than your morning bowl of Cheerios—holding up a horse’s full weight, which, for most Thoroughbreds, is in the ballpark of 1,200 pounds!

So when a horse has a hoof problem, well, you might as well give him a magazine rack ‘cause he’s got issues—from short-term problems like quarter cracks, sore heels, stone bruises, and abscesses, to chronic concerns like arthritis, complications stemming from Cushing’s Disease, bigger abscesses, thrush (a fungus among us)…did we say abcesses?…and, in worst cases, a very serious disease known as laminitis.

You can see, without healthy hooves, a horse is, well, not exactly walkin’ on sunshine.

Introducing “The Hoof Patrol,” a membership opportunity for those that would like to help foot the bill for on-going medical care for horses whose feet are failing them now.

Take it from our spokeshorse, Hobble:

Let me tell you, there’s nothing worse than throbbing tootsies. Every step you take, every move you make…agony. I can barely hoof it to my feed bucket. I couldn’t shuffle off to the barn, let alone to Buffalo. But more importantly, I can’t petulantly stomp my hoof when no one is giving me carrots.
This new program supports the 1,00+ hooves belonging to the residents of Old Friends. The Hoof Patrol supports Old Friends retirees who have short and long-term hoof issues by providing a funding stream for hoof and podiatry-related medical care. Supporters can choose from among three levels of support and receive a program gift and regular updates on Old Friends Hoof Patrol horses.

Hoof Patrol Support Levels

As an Old Friends Hoof Patrol supporter you are actively helping our retirees to stand pain-free on their own four hooves. Your annual donation provides the Old Friends Hoof Patrol Team with the necessary tools needed to combat a variety of equine hoof ailments.

Bronze Shoe Member ($50)

Your annual donation provides supplies directly for the Hoof Patrol Hoof care Tool Box. Supplies for care of hoof ailments include:

  • Keratex hoof hardener
  • Animalintex hoof poultice
  • Betadine
  • Cast padding
  • Elastikon (4”)
  • 3M Vetwrap Heavy duty duct tape
  • Farriers Formula Double strength
  • EasyBoot Rx therapy hoof boot
  • Soft-Ride hoof boots
  • Custom fit glue on shoes


Silver Shoe Member ($125)

Your annual donation provides support for horses experiencing short-term hoof issues such as abscesses, bruises, cracks and general soreness.

Gold Shoe Member ($250)

Your annual donation provides support for horses experiencing long-terms hoof-care issues, such as chronic soreness, arthritis, laminitis, brittle hooves, quarter cracks, issues associated with Cushing’s Disease and other geriatric issues.

Our sincere THANKS to Remi Bellocq for the Fantastic Hoof Patrol Logo!

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