Just Ask Them!
Our duo of resident know-it-alls are ready to spill the beans about life at the farm. They know a bit about racing too!
Submit your questions on our Contact Us page.
I’m Little Silver Charm, the little horse with all the answers. I need no introduction. But, if you insist. I am the hardest working horse on the farm. Our retired Thoroughbreds lounge around in their paddocks all day, waiting to be admired, while I work my little hooves to the bone – leading tours, posing for photographs, initiating public outreach and a lot more – raising money so that they can continue to stand around and do nothing. I continue to branch out in all directions. My latest venture involves being spokes horse for the town of Georgetown, where Old Friends is located. The tourism office has produced a handsome brochure featuring Georgetown’s, “Pure Small-Town Charm”. Guess whose picture is on every page? That’s right. Yours Truly, “Georgetown’s celebrity miniature horse”.
Questions for Little Silver Charm
Ultimately, the decision is John’s, but Michael and I help him by acting as a sounding board during our daily walks. We like to achieve a balance, so that for every champion we welcome, we try to take in a horse who needs a home. They always listen to me and rarely accept a horse without my approval.
The horses you see alone are stallions who tend to be aggressive especially with other stallions. Some stallions will accept a companion animal, the way Alphabet Soup and Ide made friends with Gorgeous George, a miniature donkey.
Silver Charm is a perfect gentleman, kind, friendly, and dignified without being aloof. He is everything his admirers say he is, and more. In contrast with some other champions who live and have lived at Old Friends – I will mention no names – he is gentle and even-tempered. And he has a great sense of humor. He always laughs at my jokes.
Thousands! They come from everywhere, from as far away as Mongolia and South Africa and Australia! It’s possible that they come to visit some of our other horses at Old Friends, but I’m the one they talk about when they’re heading home. I may be little, but I make a big impression.
They’re our favorite treat. Each week we devour 250 to 300 pounds of carrots here at the main farm. That’s a lot of carrots, more than 13,000 pounds a year.
Hey, y’all! Gorgeous George here to satisfy your curiosity about some of the numerical aspects of Old Friends and our retirees. Now don’t let my country vernacular and humble face lead you to make judgements about my depth of knowledge when it comes to numbers and stats. I may not be as tall, as sleek, or as athletic as some of my fellow colleagues and I may not have been born on a thoroughbred farm in the Bluegrass, but you can rely (ne…you can bet) on the accuracy of my knowledge where the numbers about this place and these horses are concerned. So without further ado, let’s get crunchin’! (Numbers…not carrots. Not yet anyway.)
Questions for Gorgeous George
Kayrawan is 33 years old. Our youngest resident is a five-year-old young lady named Our Goldisox. She’s very kind and a pretty chestnut with lots of chrome (white).
Heck yeah! Shoot, y’all we’ve had five Kentucky Derby winners retired to Old Friends! Silver Charm (1997), Big Brown (2008) and I’ll Have Another (2012) are our super star attractions! At one time we also cared for Charismatic (1999) and War Emblem (2002), but sadly both of them have passed.
Preakness winners you ask? Ab-so-lutely! The very same five horses I just named! Believe me when I say I have been in awe of the three I’ve met and truth be told they have been in awe of my mathematical prowess. Well…Silver Charm is suitably impressed, and though he acted like he didn’t care, War Emblem was, too. I could see it in his eyes…when I had the nerve to sneak a glance.
Belmont winners? Now they’re a story. We have three Belmont winners here, too. That’s more than any other Thoroughbred farm! Residin’ here at Old Friends you’ll find Touch Gold (1997), Birdstone (2004), and Ruler on Ice (2011). We’ve also been privileged to care for Sarava, who won this race in 2002, defeating former resident War Emblem. The funny thing about three of these guys is they’re spoilers and party poopers who burst the balloon of three horses who were certain they would be Triple Crown Champions. If you’re comparin’ dates, (and I know you number geeks like me are doin’ just that) you’ll have figured out who two of those horses are.
Horses in the National Museum of Racing and Hall of Fame? Well, as a matter of fact, there are three. Precisionist was the first Hall of Famer to live here. He was inducted into the Hall of Fame in 2003. He was long before my time, but I know he was exceptionally close to Michael, just like Silver Charm who was given the honor in 2006. Our newest Hall of Famer is the legendary Lava Man who was inducted in 2015. That’s a heck of a trio!
We sure do! Ten of them!! We have horses that were born in Great Britain(Forte dei Marmi, Hi Dubai, Marshall Rooster and Rathor), Ireland (Boule d’Or and Daytona), Germany(Wake Forest) , Australia (Interwin), Chile (Porfido and Tricky Hat).
Now you’re talkin’ my kind of numbers! Our horse who earned the most on the track is…you guessed it… Silver Charm. He brought home $6,944,369!!! Game On Dude is next in line with career earnin’s of $6,498,893. I’ll save you the trouble of going for your calculator. That’s a mere difference of $445, 476. See how fast I did that? The combined earnin’s of all the Old Friends retirees, livin’ and deceased, comes to over $326,000,000!! Alright now. Pick your jaw up off the ground. It’s a bit embarrassin’.